Sunday, March 22, 2009

false melena.. i guess..

sangat2 buat aku panic sampai tak tdo malam. aku tak penah fail dr 'membuang' everyday. in fact, seawal pagi kul 6 kalu aku tersedar, natures call! terus je tak nyempat2.sorry kalau aku bukak cite ni korg tak bp nak gemar. tp benda ni sgt2 menakutkan aku.

sejak aku dapat blood test result ngan kekurangan hemoglobin lam bdn, aku rasa itu normal. normal bg yg mengandung kot? aku ada terbaca lam magazine dan buku yg cakap kalu masa pegnen, kekurangan darah tu biasa terjadi. nak2 aku dah masuk 2nd trimester, so masalah kurang darah, sembelit tu mang akan berlaku time2 ni.

bila aku bawak result blood test jumpa doc onni, dia suggest aku makan obimin 2 kali sehari. pagi sekali, malam, iron tablet. pun amik 2 kali sehari.

last thursday kan aku jumpa jumaat pagi, masa natures call tu aku perasan sth tak kena ngan stool aku. kaler itam. isk. first thing lam pikiran aku, adakah aku akan kena cologne cancer?sbb masa arwah bapak aku wat check up kat hkl dulu, doc asyek tanya stool kaler apa, ada darah ke tak. so otomatik aku relatekan mende tu ngan mende yg aku alami skang. 2 3 hari ni, pagi2 aku dah tak beriya2 sgt ke toilet. so lam otak aku, maybe sbb iron tablet, or sembelit.

pg ni pon sama. aku tak de rasa nak ke toilet pon. cuma baru ni tadi aku rasa nak g toilet, n memberanikan diri tgk kaler bende alah tu. konpem itam.

panic. sangat panic. terus online n google : causes of red/black colored stools. hasilnya:-

A black or red colored stool may be caused by something as benign as an iron supplement but it could also be an indication of bleeding somewhere in the upper or lower gastrointestinal tract. Blood is an important warning sign for both serious gastrointestinal problems such as cancer and relatively common problems like
The medical term for passing stools that are black and foul smelling due to the presence of blood is "melena." To detect how much blood is passed in a black stool a physician may order a fecal occult blood test. Melena is diagnosed if 6 tablespoons (200 milliliters) of blood or more was passed. The darkened color of the blood usually indicates that the bleeding is coming from higher up in the gastrointestinal tract and not from the colon. This type of bleeding may be caused by:

bleeding ulcer
•esophageal varices
•tear in the esophagus from violent vomiting (Mallory-Weiss tear)

An ulcer is a sore on the lining of the stomach which can cause bleeding. Stomach ulcers are typically caused either by infection with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) or by use of pain medications known as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach lining and can be caused by overindulging in alcohol or food, eating spicy foods, smoking, infection with bacteria or prolonged use of NSAIDs. Conditions which can lead to gastritis include pernicious anemia, autoimmune disorders, and chronic bile reflux.

A black stool caused by food, supplements, medication, or minerals is known as "false melena." Iron supplements, taken by many women to combat iron-deficient anemia, may cause stools to be black or even greenish in color. Multivitamins that contain iron may also have the same effect. In addition, foods that are dark blue or black in color may cause black stools. Substances that can cause false melena are:
•black licorice
•iron supplements

The passage of red or maroon colored stools is known as "hematochezia." The brighter color of the blood indicates that it may be coming from a source in the lower gastrointestinal tract. A physician should investigate blood in the stool to rule out potentially serious conditions. Causes of red or maroon stools can include:
anal fissures
•colon polyps or colon cancer
diverticular bleeding
inflammatory bowel disease

A common source of bright red blood in the stool or on toilet paper is hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins in the rectal area that may burst and bleed. Hemorrhoids are not usually serious, and can often be treated effectively with over the counter medications. Troublesome hemorrhoids that won't heal may need the attention of a physician or prescription medication.

A fissure is a tear or ulcer in the lining of the anal canal (the last part of the rectum before the anus). Fissures can occur in anyone, but are more common in middle age or young adults and can cause bright red bleeding. Acute fissures generally heal with non-invasive treatments.

Colon polyps can also cause red blood to appear in the stool. Polyps are growths on the inside of the colon that are believed to be the precursors to colon cancer. Blood from polyps or colon cancer is not always visible in the stool, even though it is present. This type of blood is called "occult blood," and can be identified with a simple test. The fecal occult blood test is important for anyone who is at risk of developing colon cancer.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and diverticular disease are also sources of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. Both Crohn's disease of the colon and ulcerative colitis can result in blood passed in the stool, frequently in the form of diarrhea. Pouches in the colon wall (known as diverticula) caused by divercular disease can often produce considerable amounts of blood in the stool.

Finally, several different types of food with natural or artificial coloring may also cause red colored stools. These can include:
•red gelatin, popsicles, or Kool-Aid
•tomato juice or soup
•large amounts beets

Blood in the stool may not always be serious, but it should always be checked by a physician. Any change in bowel habits, such as color, odor, frequency, or consistency (constipation or diarrhea) that does not clear up within a few days is reason to make an appointment with a family practitioner or a gastroenterologst.

By Amber J. Tresca, Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board

yang aku bold kan tu mmg wat aku rasa sangat2 relief. rupanya sbb aku amik iron tablet. doctor pon tak warn aku pasal ni. so aku mmg sangat2 gila panic. kalu cancer ke apa camno? baby nak masuk 5 bulan nih. isk....simpang malaikat. mintak jauh dr sebarang penyakit berbahaya. semoga aku ngan baby sehat takde masalah kesihatan yg kronik.



.cheq. said...

insyaAllah takde apa2.. aritu hana pon amek gak iron.. mmg itam gak.. aku cuak gile gak masa tu tp mmg itu kesannya beb.. u don wori eh.. take care bebeh

enonz said...

tengkiu bebeh. aku dah tak cuak dah...dah rilek sket. huhu..sib baik bley search 4 info di hujung jari! :)