Tuesday, January 22, 2008

..from the bottom of my heart

dear my lovely joybook,

i understand that i have been burden you with all the rubbish, junk files and software, and also many-many pictures of mine into your memory.

when i first bought you, i have requested to mr A to increase your memory. and he did. you now have a 2 disk space at 18GB each. at that time i think the size of your memory is good enuf. but i was wrong.

lately i came to realise, that u have been giving me such a hard time. of all my applications installed, why do you have to choose my precious YM to be considered as 'there's an error in "whatever number in your memory", and its failed to execute..' you have many choices.. there's skype that i rarely use. there's windows messenger, and fyi, i never use this apps for ages. and lots of apps that i didnt even know how to use, and yet you are choosing my YM. great. just great.

i do not know if i wanted to let you go for good. your performance is very very poor.

i guess i dont have any choice but to use you, ..until my kepala agung's getting bigger and bigger in the bank. and i was hoping that my rezeki is really2 great this year. 2008 is a great year,.. i heard from my chinese fren. i hope its true.

hope i will not seeing you again in 2009.

this is a soft reminder.you better behave utmost this year. i'm watchin' ya!!


WaNz said...

ahaks.. ahaks... ni baru betul2 tension nih.. dah sampai ke tahap wat memo/surat untuk laptop sendiri..

bulan 3 nih ada PC fair.. sempat tak kumpul duit?? below 3K dah boleh dapat yg macam2 fuction

enonz said...

bln 3 ye...huhu....haaa..nak aku nak beli printer gak! adeiii...pokai..pokaiiiiiiii

Anonymous said...

relaks la non, tu sume investment ko utk internet, blog-ing, surf-ing, ym-ing.. hahaha.. tp aku rasa ko tunggu laptop Apple MacBook AIR - nipis, cun dan sungguh yummny.. roughly 8K.. tp puas ati la beb..

enonz said...

best ke pakai apple?? erk..8k tu beb...muahahahhaha..bek aku simpan wat installment kete baru ke...huhu..

berangans ... :P