TAG!?! tima kasih cik shasha. lenkali tag lagi ya. nanti akak kasik ko smart tag satu. kui2
1) Name of a person who made you laugh last night?
bapaku. setiap malam membuat lawak tak kelaka. tp aku takmo dia kecik ati, aku purak2 gelak la jugak. ha ha
2) What were you doing at 0800?
bersenam di atas katil...koser aku nak kuar awal2 hadap jam!
3) What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
melantok... brunch teros!
4) What happened to you in 2006?
lupa dh. malas nak ingat.. wat sakit paleotak je.
5) What was the last thing you said out loud
6) How many beverages did you have today?
airA. airB. nasik. ikan. sayur.sambalgoreng ikanbilis+kentang. airC. eskem.kuih. kira sendiri la! ;p
7) What colour is your hairbrush?
8) What was the last thing you paid for?
bayo parking kat jusco. singgit.
9) Where were you last night?
lepak umah la.. pe nak carik malam2 berkeliaran di kuala lumpur? hehe **menunjukkan yg aku bdk baik.
10) What color is your front door?
11) Where do you keep your change?
selit kat b** heh.. apo la. mesti la lam purse. isk. sapo la wat soklan nih????
12) What's the weather like today?
mendung. semendung hatiku. kui2
13) What's the best ice-cream flavour?
ntah. sume pon sedap ditekak den.
14) What excites you?
MONEY. everybody do.
15) Do you want to cut your hair?
already did. smalam. potong ikutsukahatimakden.
16) Are you over the age of 25?
apohal nak tau lak? nak kasik den umah sebijik ka??
17) Do you talk a lot?
the very.. tdo je aku diam.
18) Do you watch the O.C?
apa kejadahnye O.C nih?? sejenis kuih ka?
19) Do you know anyone named Steven?
takdo.. apakah relevennya soalan ini??
20) Do you make up your own words?
den make up muka je. takde make up2 perkataan. ho ho
21) Are you a jealous person?
tak aaahhhh
22) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'
azrina the pinky girl.
23) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.
24) Who's the first person on your received call list?
(pn sri) shanaz ..
25) What does the last text message you received say?
apa cita takaful? (ntah. p la kol sendirik. kui2)
26) Do you chew on your straw?
sedap ke kunyah straw? nak try la pas nih... ;)
27) Do you have curly hair?
28) Where's the next place you're going to?
bandung.kk.pangkor? ntah. mana2 la.. byk nau tpt nak g nih...
29) Who's the rudest person in your life?
she's OUTTA my life!! bdk gomenriakdantakabur.
30) What was the last thing you ate?
nasik. ..nih bapa hengget tanak tanya ka????
31) Will you get married in the future?
looking fwd to...
32) What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
the italian job. kat tv je. lama tak g tgk wayang. i wonder why laaaa?? heh heh
33) Is there anyone you like right now?
takde. sumeorg aku tak suke. tp aku rasa sumeorg suke aku! wakakakkakakaka
34) When was the last time you did the dishes?
mlm tadi.
35) Are you currently depressed?
nope. takmo depressed2. tak pasal jek gila nanti..
36) Did you cry today?
sbb pe nak nangis lak??
37) Why did you answer and post this?
a. sbb aku bohsan.
b. sbb dak shasha tag aku.
c. kedua2 jwpn diatas.
38) Tag 5 people who would do this survey
wan. ogy.wan.ogy.wan. cukup 5 tak? hehehe
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